Rust, Efflo & Calcium Treatments

Some stains can’t simply be pressure washed away. Removing these stains safely and efficiently requires trained professionals to use buffered acids, media/sand blasting, and other specialized techniques.


Rust, Efflo & Calcium Treatments Service Overview

Difficult stains made easy

All inorganic staining is delivered to substrates via water. Fire suppression system pipes that are flushed leave rust stains on sidewalks. Uncapped brick columns leech calcium deposits. Efflorescence blooms when there are big swings in moisture and humidity levels. All of these inorganic contaminants travel “in solution” before being deposited on the face of a building, at an entry monument, on a generator enclosure wall, or a concrete pad. Chemistry 101 tells us that we need to use a detergent with the opposite PH of the contaminant to remove it. Rust is basic, so we use an acid. We will always have a strong preference towards chemical cleaning over media blasting taking into account efficiency and cost effectiveness. Our blasting equipment can utilize a wide range of media including sand, coal slag, dry ice, glass beads, and even walnut shells. In short, if you are looking for a company that can remove any contaminant from any surface, you’ve come to the right place

Request your quote

Rust, Efflo & Calcium Treatments Service Highlights

  • Gallery Image
    Thick calcium deposits.
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    After multiple acid treatments.
  • Gallery Image
    Calcium deposits leaching through block.
  • Gallery Image
    Ferrous staining from high iron content irrigation water.

    The Nitty Gritty Details of Rust, Efflo & Calcium Treatments

    How do I prevent the calcium deposits from coming back?
    There are essentially two options: 1. cap or seal the top of the porous substrate where the water is entering. 2. treat the deposits repeatedly until all of the calcium has leached out of the substrate.

    Are there any surfaces you can’t remove certain stains from?
    Yes, certain coated surfaces (coated with paints, epoxies, stains, etc.) can be sensitive and limit our options when it comes to chemical strength and mechanical force used to remove certain stains. Additionally, exposed metal surfaces (raw aluminum, anodized aluminum, stainless steel, etc.) can be just as sensitive and limit our options.

    You sound more like scientists than pressure washers, where did you learn all this?
    Some of the best trainers and consultants for us have been the manufacturers and distributors of the various products we’ve added to our cleaning arsenal over the years. One of our core values is to “Pursue Constant Improvement” and we have aggressively sought a deep understanding of “The science of cleaning” to truly be consultative experts for our clients.
    Will any of your chemicals harm our landscaping?
    Yes, certain chemicals on both ends of the pH spectrum (extremely high or extremely low) have the potential to distress plants, trees, and flowers they come in contact with. Our teams are very cognisant of these potentially negative effects and complete, thorough, pre-rinsing and post-rinsing protocols with cold, fresh water.

    At what point does media blasting become the better option?
    Media blasting quickly becomes the most efficient and economical solution when the thickness of the calcium/lime deposits (>¼ inch) would otherwise require an excessive amount of acid treatments (15+) to deliver a clean substrate.

    How long will the surface stay clean?
    The answer to this question is driven mainly by two factors: 1. has the root cause of the contaminant been addressed, and 2. how much water flow does that particular surface experience, given that water is the primary medium of contaminant delivery to a surface.

    Questions? Ask Away

    A Team of Experts


    Small, Tenured Crews

    Most of our workforce has multiple years of experience, they run autonomously, and we trust them to get the work done with excellence.  The fact is our experts get the job done without needing much extra help. Small crews also drive a deep sense of ownership and personal responsibility on each project.


    Education, Professional Development & Advocacy

    We are members and volunteer leaders of CAI-NC, TAA, BOMA-RDU, IFMA, IREM, and PWNA.   We learn, we teach, we tell. We are experts in our field, but we don’t stay that way by resting on our laurels. We train new technicians through our SOR University program to ensure consistency of industry standards. We understand that our best investments are in the people and technologies that do the work every day. As industry leaders, we want to set the bar high for service and excellence and part of that commitment is advocating for the needs and issues facing our industry today.


    Custom Service Vehicles

    Our proprietary truck and equipment layouts have been designed and refined over the years to maximize results. Every detail of design is made through the lens of efficiency and safety. Our vehicles are cutting edge, custom built, cleaning machines. Innovation and investment in technology will always be a differentiator for us. We’re nerds so you don’t have to be!

    A Customer Experience That Is

    Modern | Digital | Thoughtful

    Digital Project Summary Report

    Real-Time Reporting

    Clear Before & After Photos

    Detailed Site Notes

    Deficiency Logging

    Digital Project Summary Report

    Our detailed Project Summary Report shows exactly who completed what and when.


    Real-Time Reporting

    Our detailed Project Summary Report shows exactly who completed what and when.


    Clear Before & After Photos

    Seeing is believing! Check what your project looked like before and after we work our magic.

    Detailed Site Notes

    We take notes before, during and after your project to ensure that we are even more efficient when you have us back the next time!

    Deficiency Logging

    Things happen. People make mistakes - but we own ours. We log every deficiency in our service. We work hard to correct any problems.

    What People Are Saying About

    Southern Outdoor Restoration

    • I have worked with many vendors over the years, and Southern Outdoor Restoration is one of the best. SOR goes above and beyond to get the job completed correctly and on time. Reminders, detailed photos, custom project maps, have made my my projects easier to keep track of. Communication and innovation is what keeps this team at the top of my recommendation list.
      Kendra Womack
      Community Association Management
    • I just wanted to let you know just how we are with Shaun’s work this weekend. Board President was thrilled and had nothing but high praise for his level of detail. Receiving this feedback from property is nothing short of a miracle! As always – thank you so much for all of your hard work! I truly appreciate it!
      Jessica Creathorne
      Resource Property Management
    • You guys did a phenomenal job at South Square II! Thank you for getting it done on such short notice and during a holiday weekend. No complaints, and the tenant is satisfied.
      Laura Bowser
      The Dilweg Companies
    • I met with Summerwood’s Board yesterday and they were VERY happy with the job you guys did! They are actually interested in possibly doing a contract for powerwashing and gutter cleaning with SOR.
      Crystal Stroman
      Elite Management Professionals
    • I met with the community last night and they sent MAJOR kudos to you about your extreme level of professionalism, customer service and the overall quality of work provided by SOR----they are happy to hear we’ve expanded our contract to include gutter cleaning with you guys :). Thanks sooooo much for making our jobs easier.
      Sharday Williams
      Charleston Management
    • It has been my pleasure to work with Southern Outdoor Restoration at several properties in the Triangle market. SOR prepared a very detailed proposal with a map for my properties that made our review and decision-making process on the proposal that much easier. Their pricing is very competitive, their performance has been wonderful, and they have been able to adapt to meet our often-changing schedule
      Eve Pilkinton
    • Thank you, sir! Nothing but compliments from owners on how great you all are, how friendly, etc. The normal 😊
      Jim Sharpe
      Community Association Services
    • This person has lived in the community for 20 years and she wanted me to let you know that the person who clean the gutters and resulting debris did the best job they have ever had. She asked that I pass this along to you.
      Todd Petherbridge
      Community Association Services
    • It is a pleasure doing business with Southern Outdoor Restoration! They are always my first call. They do great work and are extremely professional and organized!
      Amy Rogers
      York Properties
    • Southern Outdoor Restoration did an excellent job with our community-wide roof cleaning project. As always, their communication and follow-through were top notch. Their extensive planning ahead of time enabled them to complete the project efficiently and with no surprises. They go the extra mile to do the work well AND make the entire process seamless, which minimizes disruptions for our homeowners and makes the whole process easier and more pleasant.
      Jessica Merritt
      Elite Management Professionals
    • Since meeting Southern Outdoor Restoration at a CAI event in 2018, they have been a pure blessing to work with. Their estimates are clear on the scope of work and pricing has always been better than their competition, in my experience. The work that is completed is always in line with the scope of work and the professionalism of the staff is beyond expectation. The communication throughout the project through completion is unmatched. They have made several of the communities I manage look brand new!!
      Vicki Burgess
      Homeowners Association Management Inc.
    • WOW!!! You guys did an amazing job! Thank you so much. I am going to send this link to the board because the pictures speak volumes!
      Jessica Creathorne
      Resource Property Management
    • I give a personal thank you to you and the Southern Outdoor Restoration team for the communication and hard work in completing the fence project at Village Green! I really appreciate all the time and effort put into it! We’ve gotten good feedback throughout the project and we’re happy to say it is complete. 😊
      Danielle Thomas
      Elite Management Professionals
    • I wanted to apologize for not realizing that the pressure washing was not just the siding, but the patios as well. I moved patio chairs and furniture, etc, but did not remove other smaller things that I thought would not be affected by the chemicals of the wash. When I came home, I realized that the back patio looked spotless and was so grateful that the employees took the time to carefully and creatively move the those items that were in their way.
    • We are very pleased with the job your company did for us. We particularly appreciate being made aware of the clogged downspout at unit 3035, as well as your recommendation for addressing this problem. We were not aware of any remaining issues of this type, as we had earlier paid to have these underground clogs identified and fixed, by moving the drainage above ground. We were obviously misinformed, when we were assured that all those issues had been resolved.
    • Not sure what emails you received on Southern Outdoor. But the gentlemen were were very respectful and did a great job. I was skeptical at first because I help a friend that's in the same business and he always does my property. But they did a very good job.
      Todd Petherbridge
      Community Association Services
    • My appreciation is about the conduct of your returning crew. They diligently tried to locate and resolve the issue. When approaching other residents in the complex, they introduced themselves and politely requested help in finding the problem (which had been removed before they arrived). The Board happened to be on the property on other business and each of your team acknowledged us politely as they passed. Please pass my thanks on to your crew. We really appreciate these type of folks working on our property.
      David Calhoun
    • Just wanted to say thanks …. The curbing, picnic table and concrete pad look great!!!! I appreciate your crew’s hard work!!!
      Pat Millas
    • You make my job easy. I also like the electronic backup and info. You guys make it too easy....
      Mike Slivka
    • The company, especially their crew, did a fantastic job power washing our homes recently! The guys couldn’t have been nicer. They were pleasant, helpful, thorough! Thanks for having it done. Homes look much better. It did not go unnoticed! Now to get our windows washed!
      Arnold Spell
      Allenton Property Management
    • I just wanted to let you know as President of Elm Grove HOA I am very pleased with the work your guys have done throughout the community. Sean you foreman has gone above and beyond to do a great job. I say this as in today's world it’s hard to find companies that stand out in a good way and SOR does just that. Again thank you!
      Ed Blount
    • This is the best pressure washing company that has been contracted in 14.5 years at Hawsfields Crossing! Thought I would let you know....
    • I live in Charlotte North Carolina. I was very impressed by the thoroughness and the professionalism of these two gentlemen. They were very polite courteous and I was very impressed thank you very much!
      Cindy Brown
    • I was just looking to see what was going on as I know the company has made great strides in expanding services. I have used Southern Outdoor Restoration for years and started with Tyler Graybeal when he was just getting started. My account manager now is Christine Leaf and we use your company for all our power washing for entrance monuments, walls and our club house. Terrific people and marvelous crews and great service.
      Christine Hast
      Kuester Management
    • We are very pleased with the work done and your customer service. Thank you.
      Amy Duffus
    • I don’t think there is anything I can ask you to do better, you are awesome!
      Diane Wimpy
    • Your fellows were out at my place yesterday. They’re very nice and thorough.
      Diana Gallager
    • Looks great thanks for doing a great job.
      Chris Campbell
    • Carlton just sought me out to let me know what a great and professional job SOR did. He went on to describe the report AND to say he had forwarded the report and his endorsement to people that he thought could use your services. His concluding comment was that SOR did the type of work & service that is just unlike anything in this type of business. A “Raving Fan.”
    • Everything looks great. The community looks better as a whole since your guys have been here. I think everyone is pleased with their work and also their friendliness while performing their job. Thanks again for your help.
      Michael Mims
    • Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to add on to what you were already doing for our community. The guys did a fantastic job and I'm very pleased with the result. They were very professional and friendly as well. I'm sending a note to the management company, Slatter, as well. Hopefully, we'll continue to use your services in the future. Thanks again. Have a great day.
      Lori Muchow
    • My gutters in The Meredith Townes Community were cleaned on Sunday morning, April 14. The crew did a great job. Thank you! Cliff was one of the 3 workers and he brought me outside to see the magnitude of my gutter and downspout blockage. When the worker on the roof put the blower in the opening to the downspout, water and debris gushed from the top and from the lower seam of the downspout. Again, Many thanks!
      Fran Carruthers
    • Thank you for being so professional and courteous. I was on my screened porch and did not realize my front storm door was not completely latched. This young man, before he started blowing the debris from the gutters away from my porch, took the time to close my door so the debris would not come into the house. You really do have a great group of men doing some dirty and often dangerous work. Please let them know they are appreciated 😊
      Kathy Messina
    • Please let the gutter cleaning company know that they did a wonderful job. I didn't realize that they had been by until I noticed that my deck was cleaner than it had been. They even closed the gate on my deck.
      Melissa Bowman
    • From my ground-level perspective, it appears that SOR did an excellent job at my location, propitiously at exactly the right time, after all leaves in my area had fallen. They blew off patio and deck thoroughly. Seems like a good outfit. Thanks.
      Dick Robinson
    • Thank you for coming by yesterday and cleaning my gutters. They look fantastic!
      Anne Boney
    • I have never been compelled to write a note of appreciation during a power washing event before. Tarik and Greg are the exception to the rule. I could not be more appreciative of their customer service orientation, their initiative, their thoughtful consideration of what would be best for me and my property and their efficient use of time and effort. Congratulations for hiring and supporting and keeping these great members of your team.
      Nancy Johnson
    • Just wanted to let you know that the board president who lives in one of the townhomes emailed this morning and said he was “very pleased with the power washing of the townhouses”
      Diane Wimpy
    • I would highly recommend Southern Outdoor Restoration — our community has been using their services on a continuing basis for about 5 years. They provide us with gutter cleaning; power washing of buildings, concrete surfaces, and street gutters; and deck repair along with power washing and staining. The management and crews are very professional and take pride in their work. Their work is done in a very timely and professional manner. I would highly recommend this company to anyone needing their services.
      Judy Rhew
      • I have worked with many vendors over the years, and Southern Outdoor Restoration is one of the best. SOR goes above and beyond to get the job completed correctly and on time. Reminders, detailed photos, custom project maps, have made my my projects easier to keep track of. Communication and innovation is what keeps this team at the top of my recommendation list.
        Kendra Womack
        Community Association Management
      • I just wanted to let you know just how we are with Shaun’s work this weekend. Board President was thrilled and had nothing but high praise for his level of detail. Receiving this feedback from property is nothing short of a miracle! As always – thank you so much for all of your hard work! I truly appreciate it!
        Jessica Creathorne
        Resource Property Management
      • You guys did a phenomenal job at South Square II! Thank you for getting it done on such short notice and during a holiday weekend. No complaints, and the tenant is satisfied.
        Laura Bowser
        The Dilweg Companies
      • I met with Summerwood’s Board yesterday and they were VERY happy with the job you guys did! They are actually interested in possibly doing a contract for powerwashing and gutter cleaning with SOR.
        Crystal Stroman
        Elite Management Professionals
      • I met with the community last night and they sent MAJOR kudos to you about your extreme level of professionalism, customer service and the overall quality of work provided by SOR----they are happy to hear we’ve expanded our contract to include gutter cleaning with you guys :). Thanks sooooo much for making our jobs easier.
        Sharday Williams
        Charleston Management
      • It has been my pleasure to work with Southern Outdoor Restoration at several properties in the Triangle market. SOR prepared a very detailed proposal with a map for my properties that made our review and decision-making process on the proposal that much easier. Their pricing is very competitive, their performance has been wonderful, and they have been able to adapt to meet our often-changing schedule
        Eve Pilkinton
      • Thank you, sir! Nothing but compliments from owners on how great you all are, how friendly, etc. The normal 😊
        Jim Sharpe
        Community Association Services
      • This person has lived in the community for 20 years and she wanted me to let you know that the person who clean the gutters and resulting debris did the best job they have ever had. She asked that I pass this along to you.
        Todd Petherbridge
        Community Association Services
      • It is a pleasure doing business with Southern Outdoor Restoration! They are always my first call. They do great work and are extremely professional and organized!
        Amy Rogers
        York Properties
      • Southern Outdoor Restoration did an excellent job with our community-wide roof cleaning project. As always, their communication and follow-through were top notch. Their extensive planning ahead of time enabled them to complete the project efficiently and with no surprises. They go the extra mile to do the work well AND make the entire process seamless, which minimizes disruptions for our homeowners and makes the whole process easier and more pleasant.
        Jessica Merritt
        Elite Management Professionals
      • Since meeting Southern Outdoor Restoration at a CAI event in 2018, they have been a pure blessing to work with. Their estimates are clear on the scope of work and pricing has always been better than their competition, in my experience. The work that is completed is always in line with the scope of work and the professionalism of the staff is beyond expectation. The communication throughout the project through completion is unmatched. They have made several of the communities I manage look brand new!!
        Vicki Burgess
        Homeowners Association Management Inc.
      • WOW!!! You guys did an amazing job! Thank you so much. I am going to send this link to the board because the pictures speak volumes!
        Jessica Creathorne
        Resource Property Management
      • I give a personal thank you to you and the Southern Outdoor Restoration team for the communication and hard work in completing the fence project at Village Green! I really appreciate all the time and effort put into it! We’ve gotten good feedback throughout the project and we’re happy to say it is complete. 😊
        Danielle Thomas
        Elite Management Professionals
      • I wanted to apologize for not realizing that the pressure washing was not just the siding, but the patios as well. I moved patio chairs and furniture, etc, but did not remove other smaller things that I thought would not be affected by the chemicals of the wash. When I came home, I realized that the back patio looked spotless and was so grateful that the employees took the time to carefully and creatively move the those items that were in their way.
      • We are very pleased with the job your company did for us. We particularly appreciate being made aware of the clogged downspout at unit 3035, as well as your recommendation for addressing this problem. We were not aware of any remaining issues of this type, as we had earlier paid to have these underground clogs identified and fixed, by moving the drainage above ground. We were obviously misinformed, when we were assured that all those issues had been resolved.

        Project Case Studies

        Take a closer look at the wide variety of projects we have completed on properties just like yours.

          Communities & Properties We Serve

          Trusted in the Southeast

          We serve over 1,200 communities and properties every year as their go-to exterior cleaning contractor.

          Trusted by Organizations Like Yours


          Let's Talk About Your Project

          Every project is different. We want to talk to you about yours.


          One of our awesome account managers will reach out to you today.


          Carson Woodell

          Director of Sales

          Steve Patrick

          Account Manager

          Christine Leaf

          Account Manager

          Matt Henry

          Account Manager

          Katelyn Spicer

          Account Manager

          Brittan White

          Account Manager

          Brian Talty

          Account Manager

          Amy Morrison

          Account Manager

          Teresa Hamrick

          Account Manager

          Rob Turner

          Account Manager

          Our Full Suite of Services for
          Office, Retail & Campuses


          Building Pressure Washing


          Retail Storefront Pressure Washing


          Concrete Surface Cleaning


          Commercial Gutter Cleaning


          Membrane Roof Cleaning


          Dumpster Area Cleaning


          Rust, Efflo & Calcium Treatments


          Graffiti Removal


          Window Cleaning


          Commercial Sidewalk & Curb Cleaning


          Parking Deck Cleaning


          ACM Panel Cleaning


          Media Blasting


          Holiday Lighting for Office, Retail & Campuses